
June 2023

On our trip in 2023, we had the idea that we would like to give back to the community in Harbour Island that has always been so welcoming and kind to us during our travels. We wanted to engage our own kids in an outreach to the children of the community by donating backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year.

With the help of Joe Dargavage and Lorria Whitfield of Romora Bay Resort and Marina in Harbour Island, we organized a 'mini-school supply drive' for the kids on Harbour Island. We packed our boat full of backpacks and school supplies and, together with our kids, drove through town on golf carts so we could distribute the supplies to the kids on the island. Our last stop was The All Age School, the primary school for most of the children on the island. We were able to tour the school, and the local kids were so proud to show off their classrooms.

It was both humbling and eye-opening to be able to experience this with our kids.

We were able to supply about 50 kids with backpacks and school supplies for the 2023/2024 school year!

Energized from our giving campaign, and eager to do even more, we set about creating Harbour Island Outreach, Inc., a non-profit organization that will enable us to continue our mission to assist the students and educators of Harbour Island.

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